

- Sold

Beanie is protective of her people and my constant shadow unless someone spots a cat, or squirrel, or dove then she has to take care of her duty to protect. She is one of those dogs that makes eye contact, and I swear can read your mind while staring so deeply into your eyes.
Her favorite things are the back of the couch, sunny windowsills, and crinkly toys. She plays well with other adult dogs but has become a little grumpy towards puppies since she was spayed.
Beanie has already been spayed and is up to date on all her vaccinations.
She knows how to use a doggy door and is crate-trained.
She does like to mark new territories so would possibly need to wear a diaper indoors until she worked out the new turf rules.
She would do best with an older person/couple where she could be the center of their world. She tolerates children who know how to be gentle once she gets to know them.
She LOVES to be outdoors and help in the garden or play in a kiddie pool when it gets hot.

Posted By: Tamara Holdaway